Tuesday 24 July 2007

Pick up game, Captain Arisis and his charmed life

Points: 2000
Mission: Recon, Alpha
Opponent: Moz Peachy
Opposition: Eldar

Minor win (4-3)

So Captain Arisis has finally arrived, he's been involved in three missions now. Somehow he managed to convince the Grandmaster he was worthy of leading an ensemble cast of First Company Terminators, Ninth Company Devastators and Sixth Company Marines and a fair bit of the Chapter Armoury to boot. Somehow he keeps getting away with it, not a bad ratio either to be fair, minor loss, massacre win and minor win but how does he do it? Well in this games the slowly advancing Wraithguard simply proved to scary and he turned tail and ran for in at the first sign of trouble, luckily I'd done enough other damage and nipped two "fully operational battle-stations" er I mean Tactical squads in their Rhino's up the other flank along with the Land Raider picking up some pretty scared and scarred Devastators on the way.

Well here's to Captain Arisis and his continuing good fortunes

10 IX Company Devastators
2 VIII Company Dreadnoughts
2 I Company Veteran Marines
2 Suits of Terminator armour

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