Tuesday 24 July 2007

Pick up game, Captain Arisis and his charmed life

Points: 2000
Mission: Recon, Alpha
Opponent: Moz Peachy
Opposition: Eldar

Minor win (4-3)

So Captain Arisis has finally arrived, he's been involved in three missions now. Somehow he managed to convince the Grandmaster he was worthy of leading an ensemble cast of First Company Terminators, Ninth Company Devastators and Sixth Company Marines and a fair bit of the Chapter Armoury to boot. Somehow he keeps getting away with it, not a bad ratio either to be fair, minor loss, massacre win and minor win but how does he do it? Well in this games the slowly advancing Wraithguard simply proved to scary and he turned tail and ran for in at the first sign of trouble, luckily I'd done enough other damage and nipped two "fully operational battle-stations" er I mean Tactical squads in their Rhino's up the other flank along with the Land Raider picking up some pretty scared and scarred Devastators on the way.

Well here's to Captain Arisis and his continuing good fortunes

10 IX Company Devastators
2 VIII Company Dreadnoughts
2 I Company Veteran Marines
2 Suits of Terminator armour

Pick up game

Points: 2000
Mission: Cleanse, Gamma
Opponent: Rob Clayton
Opposition: Chaos

Massacre win

As I had a Land Raider ready to fling the new Terminators into the maelstrom and Rob has more than enough models to make a large army we thought we'd try a 2000 pt game for a laugh. Cleanse again, but the first time I'd played a choppy combat Chaos list. I've included three squads of small Devastators two with Missiles and one with Hvy Bolters all with Tank Hunter which made taking out his Dreadnoughts first turn nice and easy so with the rest of his amry walking towards my gun line it was looking comfortable. Of course they finally did get there and there wasn't anything left of the Devastators after a turn of combat. I had enough left tho to finish him off at a leasurely distance and finished the game with all four quarters.

16 IX Company Devastator Marines
4 VI Company Tactical Marines
4 I Company Veteran Marines
4 Suits of Terminator armour

Pick up game

Points: 1500
Mission: Cleanse, Gamma
Opponent: Chris Blair
Opposition: Eldar

Minor Loss

Finally I have some Terminators and a Captain painted and rearing to go. Unfortunately they didn't have a very good time of it, having said that nothing did in this game. Pretty much mutual destruction, Chris had a unit of Pathfinders hiding in a building I couldn't get to which won him the game, I had the Captain and one Terminator left in Chris's deployment zone, pretty pointless really seeing as Chris managed to kill one in the last turn and make them non scoring. But that's the way the cookie crumbles.


14 VI Company Tactical Marines
18 IX Company Devastator Marines
2 VI Company Veteran Sgt.
2 VI Company Rhinos
1 Whirlwind
3 I Company Veterans
3 Suits of Terminator Armour

Monday 16 July 2007

Pick up game, my god I hate playing Dave

Points: 1500
Missions: Secure and control
Opponent: Dave Richardson
Opposition: Lost and the Damned

Massacre loss


Not quite sure how this all went wrong other than two turns of god awful dice and a Tactical squad who choose to hide behind the bike sheds smoking rather than turn up until they could jump out of their burning Rhino.

First two turns I had amazing dice and nothing was turning up for Dave, his Lemon Russ tanks were slowly dribbling on. Then my newly promoted Epistolary Librarian turned up. Zooming on with his Jump Pack blazing he rushed over to a building containing a the lone possessed Champion and a couple of squads of heretics. Run like little girls heretics he screamed unleashing "The fear of the darkness". Unfortunately for him he got a migraine instead and blindly ran into the lone possessed Power Fist. Seriously need to start using other HQ choices. After that things just wouldn't go my way and the army began to crumple under the pressure.


1 VIII Company Dreadnought
1 Annihilator
1 Whirlwind
4 IV Company Devastator Marines
2 IX Company Devastator Marines
5 VIII Company Assault Marines
1 VI Company Veteran Sgt
12 VI Company Tactical marines
1 VI Company Rhino

1 Epistolary Librarian

So fittingly the player who has caused the most casualties to "The sons" is the man who finishes of the last foot slogging marine in the fourth. Captain Arisis, Chaplain Ortotha, Apothacary Damius and Chapter Standard Miclaus have a lot of explaining to do as to why they didn't even turn up before the entire Battle Company was reduced to a few vials of precious, precious, gene-seed

Pick up game

Points: 1500
Mission: Cleanse
Opponent: Rich Tovee
Opposition: Dark Angels

Minor win

The second game of the night last Thursday. Rich is an old acquaintance who used to come to a lot of the events we run at Spikey and has recently gotten back into the hobby. It was a quick game played in high spirits as we were both pretty pissed (No change there then) and he hadn't played for a while. Luckily for him he was using Dave's current Dark Angles speck, luckily for me he, not Dave, was using Dave's Dark Angels and after losing to them plenty I am slowly getting to grips with how to beat them. You'd think tho I might of gotten better than a minor considering the conditions.


1 Annihilator
4 IV Company Devastator Marines
4 VIII Company Assault Marines
3 VI Company Tactical Marines

Pick up game

Points: 1000pts
Mission: Secure and control
Opponent: James Giddings
Opposition: Marines (Blood Ravens)

Massacre win

This was an off the cuff, neither opponent had turned up, I've only got an hour to play type game. Hence a thousand points. After set up with only forty minutes left we introduced a chess clock giving each other four minutes per turn. We both strayed over this (Myself much more than him) first few turns but when turns three onwards arrived and our small forces were in each others faces it sped up extremely quickly. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone tho it makes for an interesting and fast paced game, just be strict with people faffing around in your turn.


4 IV Company Devastator Marines
4 VI Comapny Tactical Marines
1 Codicier

Saturday 14 July 2007

Pick up game

Points: 1500
Mission: Seek and destroy
Opponant: Andy Hatton
Opposition: Marines

Major win


2 IV Company Vet. Sgt.
11 IV Company Tactical Marines
1 IV Company Rhino

1 VIII Company speeder
1 VIII Company Dreadnought
5 VIII Company Assault Marines
7 VI Company Tactical Marines

1 Codicier

Monday 9 July 2007


Oops, sorry it's been a bit quiet around here for a couple of weeks - I've been moving, and playing Blood Bowl, but more games arranged this week...

In the meantime, David was right in the things that are dead comments, so the damage is a little worse than I thought - I need to get my terminators painted...